Sunday, August 2, 2009

Istoria Timor Inaugurual Competition Results

  1. Ha'u Maka Lucas - Teodozio Batista Ximenes

  2. Tinan Ikus Iha Kolegio - Marciano da C. Fernandes

  3. Tuku 11 - Irim Tolentino

  4. Tinta Nurak - Edmundo Corbafo

  5. Loron Abang Nakonu ho Esperansa by Atanasio Maria Pinto

  6. Matan Ben ho Esperansa - Betty Reis

Runners up (in no particular order):
  • Atauro by Amelino Fernandes

  • Subar Domin Sai Realidade - Maria Madalena

  • Harohan Ida hose Matebian Sira - Fransisco Pinto Amaral

  • Lalaok Domin - Flash C. Guterres (Preman 69)

A proper write-up of the event last Saturday will follow.

1 comment:

Marciano Qibot said...

Dear Maun JOhn,

Thanks for every efforts you have made on this writting competition event. I had won the second so happy...

Obrigado barak maun John...

