Iha Sesta kalan Agosto 27, manan na'in iha kompetisaun Istoria Timor anunsia tiha ona.
On Friday 27 August, we announced the winners of the Istoria Timor writing competition!
Mesak Katak Nonook husi/written by Cidalia da Cruz
Iha Nafatin Dalan atu Fila husi/written by Maximus Tahu
Ha'u Ne'e Sala La'ek husi/written by Fabiola de Araujo
Ana nia Luta husi/written by Agnea Brites Maia
Parabens ba participante sire hotu!
Congratulations to all participants!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Parabens ba Istoria Timor Partisipante!
Kompetisaun Istoria Timor 2010 ba manan ni'an sire sei realiza aban kalan iha oras 6.00pm, fatin Xanana Reading Room.
The winner of Istoria Timor 2010 will be announced at an event tomorrow evening at the Xanana Reading Room at 6.00pm.
Parabens ba partisipante sire hotu!
Congratulations to all participants!
Agnes Brites Maia
Afonso Arsenio Lopes
Alberto Soares Menzes
Almerio Saldanha Borges
Betty Reis
Cidalia da Cruz
Edita Afoan
Fabiola de Araujo
Jose Andrade da Cruz
Juliao Mesquita
Maximus Tahu
Manuel De Jesus Pinto
Yohannes Andre
The winner of Istoria Timor 2010 will be announced at an event tomorrow evening at the Xanana Reading Room at 6.00pm.
Parabens ba partisipante sire hotu!
Congratulations to all participants!
Agnes Brites Maia
Afonso Arsenio Lopes
Alberto Soares Menzes
Almerio Saldanha Borges
Betty Reis
Cidalia da Cruz
Edita Afoan
Fabiola de Araujo
Jose Andrade da Cruz
Juliao Mesquita
Maximus Tahu
Manuel De Jesus Pinto
Yohannes Andre
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Timor Aid and Alola Foundation invite you to:
Timor Aid no Fundasaun Alola konvida Ita-Boot ba serimónia:
the announcement of the winner of
anunsiu manan-na’in ba kompetisaun hakerek
Tetun Story Writing Competition
Kompetisaun Hakerek Istoria Tetun
When/Iha: Friday 27 August/Sesta 27 Agosto
Time/Oras: 6.00pm
Venue/Fatin: Xanana Reading Room, Lecidere
RSVP, please email/ Ba klarifikasaun, favor email: istoriatimor@timoraid.org
Monday, July 19, 2010
Istoria Timor - Competition Now Closed, Winner to be Announced on 27 August
Kompetisaun Istoria TImor agora daudaun taka ona. Obrigadu barak ba ita-boot sira nia istoria.
Sei anunsiu manan na'in iha eventu iha loron Sesta 27 Agostu 2010. Informasaun balu sei mai tan!
The Istoria Timor competition is now closed. Thank you for all your stories.
The winner will be announced at an event on Friday 27 August. More details coming soon!
Sei anunsiu manan na'in iha eventu iha loron Sesta 27 Agostu 2010. Informasaun balu sei mai tan!
The Istoria Timor competition is now closed. Thank you for all your stories.
The winner will be announced at an event on Friday 27 August. More details coming soon!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Istoria Timor - Deadline Extended to Friday 9 July!
Prasu ba kompetisaun hakesek istoria tetun hanaruk tan too loron Sesta 9 Jullu tempa sei iha hodi hatama ita boot sira nia istoria.
Ita boot sira bele haruka liu hosi indereso email: istoriatimor@timoraid.org lori ba endrega iha Timor Aid nia office ho Fundasaun Alola nia office.
The Istoria Timor competition deadline has been extended until Friday 9 July so there is still time to finish writing and enter your story!
You can email your story to: istoriatimor@timoraid.org or drop it into the Timor Aid or Alola Foundation offices.
Ita boot sira bele haruka liu hosi indereso email: istoriatimor@timoraid.org lori ba endrega iha Timor Aid nia office ho Fundasaun Alola nia office.
The Istoria Timor competition deadline has been extended until Friday 9 July so there is still time to finish writing and enter your story!
You can email your story to: istoriatimor@timoraid.org or drop it into the Timor Aid or Alola Foundation offices.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Ha'u Maka Lucas
Ha’u Maka Lucas
Iha fulan Juñu 2009 Teodosio Ximenes partisipa iha Kompetisaun Nasional Hakerek nian iha Timor no sai manan na’in dahuluk ba novela primeiru iha dalen Tetun. Novela ne’e ho títulu “Ha’u Maka Lucas.” Istória ne’e publika tiha ona nia edisaun dahuluk iha nasaun foun ne’e iha fulan Maiu 2010. Istória iha Livru ne’e refleta ba akontesimentu ne’ebé uluk Indonesia sira naók labarik Timor-oan sira iha entre tinan 1978-1980. Indonesia sira foti labarik Tmor-oan sira liuliu mane ho objetivu atu prevene sira atu kontinua sira-nia inan-aman sira-nia ideolojia polítika ne’ebé kontra okupasaun illegal Indonesia nian iha Timor-Leste. Labarik sira ne’e balu fila ona mai Timór no hamutuk ho sira-nia família. Maibé, barak sei hela nafatin iha parte balu iha Indonesia no seidauk deskobre sira-nia identidade loloos.
Iha Australia: Livru ne’e bele hetan iha AETA-Melbourne no bele kontaktu Sr. John Sinnot ho númeru: 03 94162960
Iha Timór: Bele hetan iha Xanana Reading Room iha Lecidere, Dili.
In June 2009, Teodosio Ximenes participated in the Timorese National Short Novel Writing Competition and won first prize for his story “Ha’u Maka Lucas” (I am Lucas). Teodosio’s book, which has recently been published, tells the story of the Timorese ‘stolen generation’ committed by the Indonesian army between 1978 and 1980. The Indonesian army took Timorese children, especially boys, away in order to prevent them from continuing the political ideology of their parents which was against Indonesia’s illegal occupation in East Timor. Some of these children have already been returned to East Timor and reunited with their family. However, many are still in some parts of Indonesia without knowing their real identity.
In Australia: The book can be obtained from the AETA-Melbourne. Contact person John Sinnot: 03 94162960
In Timór: The book is available in Xanana Reading room in Lecidere, Dili.
Iha fulan Juñu 2009 Teodosio Ximenes partisipa iha Kompetisaun Nasional Hakerek nian iha Timor no sai manan na’in dahuluk ba novela primeiru iha dalen Tetun. Novela ne’e ho títulu “Ha’u Maka Lucas.” Istória ne’e publika tiha ona nia edisaun dahuluk iha nasaun foun ne’e iha fulan Maiu 2010. Istória iha Livru ne’e refleta ba akontesimentu ne’ebé uluk Indonesia sira naók labarik Timor-oan sira iha entre tinan 1978-1980. Indonesia sira foti labarik Tmor-oan sira liuliu mane ho objetivu atu prevene sira atu kontinua sira-nia inan-aman sira-nia ideolojia polítika ne’ebé kontra okupasaun illegal Indonesia nian iha Timor-Leste. Labarik sira ne’e balu fila ona mai Timór no hamutuk ho sira-nia família. Maibé, barak sei hela nafatin iha parte balu iha Indonesia no seidauk deskobre sira-nia identidade loloos.
Iha Australia: Livru ne’e bele hetan iha AETA-Melbourne no bele kontaktu Sr. John Sinnot ho númeru: 03 94162960
Iha Timór: Bele hetan iha Xanana Reading Room iha Lecidere, Dili.
In June 2009, Teodosio Ximenes participated in the Timorese National Short Novel Writing Competition and won first prize for his story “Ha’u Maka Lucas” (I am Lucas). Teodosio’s book, which has recently been published, tells the story of the Timorese ‘stolen generation’ committed by the Indonesian army between 1978 and 1980. The Indonesian army took Timorese children, especially boys, away in order to prevent them from continuing the political ideology of their parents which was against Indonesia’s illegal occupation in East Timor. Some of these children have already been returned to East Timor and reunited with their family. However, many are still in some parts of Indonesia without knowing their real identity.
In Australia: The book can be obtained from the AETA-Melbourne. Contact person John Sinnot: 03 94162960
In Timór: The book is available in Xanana Reading room in Lecidere, Dili.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Istoria Timor Competition is Closing Soon!
Competisaun Istoria Timor sei ramata iha loron Junu 30, lalais! Hatama ita boot sira nia istoria.
Ita boot sira bele haruka liu hosi indereso email: istoriatimor@timoraid.org lori ba endrega iha Timor Aid nia office ho Fundasaun Alola nia office.
Ba informasaun kleau liu tan, favor telefona ba numero: (+67) 3323855
The Istoria Timor is closing soon so quick, finish writing and enter your story!
You can email your story to istoriatimor@timoraid.org or drop it into the Timor Aid or Alola Foundation office in Dili.
The competition closes on 30 June.
For more information call (+67) 3323855
Ita boot sira bele haruka liu hosi indereso email: istoriatimor@timoraid.org lori ba endrega iha Timor Aid nia office ho Fundasaun Alola nia office.
Ba informasaun kleau liu tan, favor telefona ba numero: (+67) 3323855
The Istoria Timor is closing soon so quick, finish writing and enter your story!
You can email your story to istoriatimor@timoraid.org or drop it into the Timor Aid or Alola Foundation office in Dili.
The competition closes on 30 June.
For more information call (+67) 3323855
Monday, May 31, 2010
Istoria Timor sei koalia iha ABC Radio Australia
Rona vensedor Istoria Timor ikus nian ne'ebe interview ona iha Radio ABC Australia kona ba kompetisaun ho ninia istoria: http://www.abc.net.au/rn/bookshow/stories/2010/2913720.htm
Listen to last year's Istoria Timor winner, Teodozio Batista Ximenese, interviewed on ABC Radio Australia about the competition and his winning story: http://www.abc.net.au/rn/bookshow/stories/2010/2913720.htm
Listen to last year's Istoria Timor winner, Teodozio Batista Ximenese, interviewed on ABC Radio Australia about the competition and his winning story: http://www.abc.net.au/rn/bookshow/stories/2010/2913720.htm
Friday, April 9, 2010
Istoria Timor 2010 Iha Ne'e
Atu hariku rekursu lee nian iha Dalen Tetun, Timor Aid ho Fundasaun Alola hakarak loke kompetisaun hakerek istoria iha dalen Tetun ne'ebe ba ema hotu. For koragen ba feto sira atu partisipa iha kompetisaun ida ne'e.
Karik Ita-Boot sira ne'be iha interese, bele hakerek Ita-Boot sira-nia istoria hodi kompete atu hetan premiu no oportunidade atu publika ita-boot sira nia istoria.
Tema istoria, no titula istoria: "nakloke"
Karik Ita-Boot sira ne'be iha interese, bele hakerek Ita-Boot sira-nia istoria hodi kompete atu hetan premiu no oportunidade atu publika ita-boot sira nia istoria.
Tema istoria, no titula istoria: "nakloke"
- Hakerek tenke: uza padraun Tetun Nasional (Uza Padraun Ortografia Tetun Nasional)
- Liafuan minimal: 10,000
- Prazu loron dahikus nian: 30 Fulan-Junu 2010
Kompetisaun Hakerek Istoria Iha dalen Tetun
Premeiu Dahuluk (I): $500
Premeiu Daruak (II): $200
Premeiu Datoluk (III): $100
Premeiu espesial ba istoria ne'ebe furak hosi Eskritora feto: $500
Istoria ne'ebe kompleta tiha ona bele haruka ba enderesu:Premeiu Dahuluk (I): $500
Premeiu Daruak (II): $200
Premeiu Datoluk (III): $100
Premeiu espesial ba istoria ne'ebe furak hosi Eskritora feto: $500
no bele kontaktu diretamente ba:
Ema Da Souza 3323855
Tomas da Luz: 3312260
Ema Da Souza 3323855
Tomas da Luz: 3312260
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Istoria Timor 2010 Is On!
The Istoria Timor Short Story competition for 2010, this year sponsored by Timor Aid and Fundasaun Alola is on!
The competition will be launched in the next few weeks, with entries due on June 30th.
We are hoping that many entries are received from all over Timor.
Remember, stories must be at least 10,000 words and be good to read.
We look forward to your entries.
For more information and all queries, write to istoriatimor@timoraid.org
The competition will be launched in the next few weeks, with entries due on June 30th.
We are hoping that many entries are received from all over Timor.
Remember, stories must be at least 10,000 words and be good to read.
We look forward to your entries.
For more information and all queries, write to istoriatimor@timoraid.org
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